IPS e.max®

IPS e.max®  is made of monolithic lithium disilicate ceramic and delivers outstanding esthetics and fit. A life like alternative to PFMs and zirconia restorations.

Prescribe IPS e.max to achieve optimal esthetics, virtually perfect contacts and occlusion, and impressive strength. Its unique lithium disilicate ceramic provides flexural strength of 360-400 MPa, making it the ideal high-strength solution for single-unit anterior or posterior crowns, veneers, inlays, onlays, implant crowns.

Available in 3 levels of opacity to allow us to get the correct value needed.

HT for high translucency
LT for low translucency
MO for block out situations


Full posterior or anterior crowns
*Proper occlusal reduction and strong chamfer preporation.
Crown preps with short clinical crown length.
Thin labial veneers.
Inlays, Onlays
*We no longer recommend bridges due to high fracture rate.


Less than 1.5 mm occlusal redution
Bruxers or Clenchers
Maryland Bridges